Hey RepairShoprs,
We’re gearing up for another great year ahead, and hope you are too!
As the year starts to wind down, we thought we’d share a summary of (mostly) everything we were able to accomplish this year, thanks to the support of our incredible community of users and team. Enjoy 🙂
The Big Stuff
- Outtake Forms
- Similar to the Intake Form, we created an Outtake Form to help you review information with your Customers and collect a signature from them when a job is complete. Find out more here.
- Custom Ticket Workflows
- You can now design your own completely customized workflows! Create a single-page form for Tickets, Customers, and other items to be completed in RepairShopr in one fell swoop. You can even set a workflow as ‘default’ and use it instead of the traditional Ticket workflow.
- We also added these to our iOS and Android apps, and updated the functionality around adding an existing Customer to your Ticket workflow so that the Asset field will automatically become a searchable drop-down list, filled with the Customer’s Assets. No need to type in the Asset name from memory or by searching through the Customer’s Assets in another tab!
- You can now set a default Ticket priority in the Ticket Workflow editor.
- Find out more here.
- Ad Hoc Worksheets
- Ad Hoc Worksheets is a brand new feature that allows you to create customizable Worksheets on-the-fly within a Ticket Details page. This is great for jobs requiring a particular repair or installation that’s unique, and needs special checklist or workflow. We’ve also added Security Settings for this feature. Find out more here.
- Ticket Communications (formerly Ticket Comments)
- We’ve updated the Ticket Comments section to be Ticket Communications!
- In this post, we cover the following changes to this section of RepairShopr:
- We’ve added the ability for you to split Tickets from a comment using the actions menu, so you can instantly create new Tickets from existing Tickets when you deem necessary!
- We’ve adjusted the default email subject to use the Ticket subject instead of a generated subject with the account name.
- You can now use the Ticket and/or Customer template tags in Ticket Communication subjects.
- We added a new template tag, {{ticket_public_comments_for_email}}, which will show the email thread history so your Customers understand what Ticket is associated with the communication.
- We’ve added a new setting to disable a tech’s name from appearing in the Ticket email communication header. Please note that this will not effect other areas where the tech’s name is being used. Head to Settings > Ticket Preferences > Advanced to adjust.
- We also managed to make these updates to Ticket Communications this year:
- Ticket automations: We now use your account sender email instead of “noreply” as the sender, so if a Customer replies to an email, your automations can appropriately create a Lead or Ticket.
- We’ve updated the “Additional CCs” field within the “Ticket Info” section of a Ticket to auto-populate email addresses as you begin typing them into the field.
- Email address now attaches to Customer replies on Tickets, so you know who is responding to a Ticket Communication.
- Labor Log/Ticket Timer
- Multiple Ticket Timers can now run at the same time if you’re working on more than one job at a time! Find out more
here. - You can now also use template tags when editing the description text for a Labor Log charge! We added some new template tags to supplement this. Read more
here. - When deleting a Ticket timer entry from Ticket charges, it should now remove the charged state of the Ticket timer entry.
- You can also now automatically “round up” your ticket timer entries to the nearest 5, 15, 30, or 60 minutes. Head to Settings > Tickets Settings > Advanced to find it.
- Multiple Ticket Timers can now run at the same time if you’re working on more than one job at a time! Find out more
- Marketr
- Marketr became
a lot more powerful!
- We’ve updated our Marketr campaign statistics page! Check it out to see better insights into your campaigns.
- You can now use Marketr to email Customer Contacts in addition to the primary email address on an account.
- We’ve added the ability to send emails to a segment of your Customers based on Asset Type, in addition to Customer Saved Searches.
- Now you can more easily target Marketr campaigns for specific segments of your customer base. Create new Saved Customer Searches directly within your Marketr campaigns.
- Marketr became
- Mailbox
- We improved the user experience and added new functionality to the Mailbox feature, allowing for easier Email Rule creation and editing. To find out more, click
here. - Mailboxes can now automatically assign a Ticket Status and/or Issue Type, in addition to assigning to a technician, when Tickets are created from inbound emails. More information in our blog post
here. - We’ve updated the Ticket CC capabilities within automatic Ticket creation via Mailbox to be even more useful. Check out the details
- We improved the user experience and added new functionality to the Mailbox feature, allowing for easier Email Rule creation and editing. To find out more, click
- New User Interface
- Over the course of 2018, we released the New UI (formerly Beta UI) to all users, implemented tons of community feedback, began a revamp of our Knowledge Base, and are now ready to make the full transition before the year’s end! Here are some examples of the updates we were able to make:
- We made a tiny update to all the tables in the Beta UI and cleaned up some other details, like making sure icons are consistent and recognizable, to make pages more streamlined and even easier to navigate.
- Now, when a Customer/Lead replies to a Ticket, we’ll show you their email address, so you can tell when it was a cc’d Contact vs the main Contact.
- We have added the address auto-complete back into Customers (new) within the Beta User Interface.
- We added a new button to make it easier to update a Ticket Saved Search.
- Over the course of 2018, we released the New UI (formerly Beta UI) to all users, implemented tons of community feedback, began a revamp of our Knowledge Base, and are now ready to make the full transition before the year’s end! Here are some examples of the updates we were able to make:
- Quick View Modal
- We’ve added a Quick View Modal to Assets, allowing you to quickly and easily see pertinent Asset information and easily print, edit, or create a Ticket from the Asset via this popup.
- We also added it to
Customers and Tickets
Invoices and Estimates
- Xero Integration
- First, we added the ability to sync Purchase Order with your Xero account (read more
here). - Additionally, you can now create Xero Bills automatically from RepairShopr Purchase Orders! To find out more, visit our Feature Friday post
here. This feature is turned on by default for all accounts. Please visit your Xero settings area to turn this function off if you wish to. - You can also now remap Customers should any issues arise.
- First, we added the ability to sync Purchase Order with your Xero account (read more
- QuickBooks Integration
- Purchase Orders in RepairShopr can now automatically become Bills in QuickBooks Online. More information
here. You can also now remap Customers should any issues arise.
- Purchase Orders in RepairShopr can now automatically become Bills in QuickBooks Online. More information
- Leads
- We added a setting to let you control whether to use phone numbers to match new Leads to existing Customers. Check out our Knowledge Base article on this
here. - As replies come in from Leads you’ve emailed in RepairShopr, the Lead status will now change to “Customer Reply,” making it easier to review which Leads have replied to your emails. Find out more
- We added a setting to let you control whether to use phone numbers to match new Leads to existing Customers. Check out our Knowledge Base article on this
- Appointments
- We added links to different views on appointment list/calendar pages, added Location Type to the edit page, re-organized the detail page a bit, and added creator to the detail/edit page.
- Now you can set the desired “buffer time” before the first Appointment can be booked from 0 to “x” minutes from now.
- Hovering over an Appointment from Tickets and Customers now shows the owner in the tooltip. Now, in Custom Widgets, you can define the minimum notice field for Appointments, and it can be different on each widget instead of just using the account default.
- Assets
- The Assets table is now customizable! You can configure which custom fields you want to display, and in which order. Learn more
here. - You can now group and search for Assets based on site location! To find out more, view our blog post
here. - We’ve optimized the way you can add and/or create Assets from the new Ticket creation flow to be more streamlined. Find out more in our Feature Friday article
here. - You can use Asset Saved Searches to do line item counts on Recurring Invoices (in order to auto calculate quantities based on searches).
- The Asset Importr can now handle importing more files, making upload times faster.
- We’ve added “Customer Name” to the Assets CSV exports.
- We added a “Maintenance” mode to mute all alerts on an Asset for a specified amount of time (from 5 minutes to 7 days).
- The custom information about Assets is entirely viewable from the Asset’s page.
- You can now sort Assets by a few columns, such as “name.”
- We updated Asset filtering by Customer/Site and Type.
- The Customer column now links to your Customers.
- Added “Updated” field to the list of fields shown.
- Newest Tickets now show at the top of the page by default!
- We’ve retitled the “Location” field throughout the app to be “Site” in order to maintain consistency.
- The Assets table is now customizable! You can configure which custom fields you want to display, and in which order. Learn more
- Documentation Center (formerly Customer Wiki)
- The Customer Wiki is now a Documentation Center.
- We’ve added the ability to clone Documentation pages.
- You can now use template tags in your Documentation pages, making them easier to clone and use across multiple Customers.
- You can now assign a page to a certain Customer or all Customers.
- Find out more
- Customer Portal
- We’ve added a new security setting to control whether access to the Customer Portal is blocked when there is an unclaimed portal invitation. This is turned off by default, meaning Customers who have not set a password can still access the Portal, and can be adjusted to the previous default version via your Customer Settings. More information in our blog post
here. - Ticket attachments uploaded through the Customer Portal now default to public.
- You can now direct your Customers to another URL of your choosing instead of the Customer Portal, and disable the ability for your Customers to access the Portal altogether. Find out more
- We’ve added a new security setting to control whether access to the Customer Portal is blocked when there is an unclaimed portal invitation. This is turned off by default, meaning Customers who have not set a password can still access the Portal, and can be adjusted to the previous default version via your Customer Settings. More information in our blog post
- Invoices
- You can now refund a partially paid Invoice!
- Recurring Invoices now run at at 6:00 AM local time, rather than 6:00 AM Pacific Time.
- We’ve updated the “paid” and “overdue” stamps.
- We’ve added a setting to prevent users from taking payments on Invoices if serial numbers have not been selected.
- We improved the user experience for adding a manual line item.
- You can now also send statements at the end of the month, and send in bulk to Customers! Find out more
- Contracts
- You now have the ability to clone Contracts! This makes it easy to build a Contract template, and then clone it to use for other Customers if you use a similar Contract more than once.
- You can now blacklist Products on Contracts to prevent users from adding certain products to ticket charges for the Contract Customer. This is especially helpful if a Customer is only billed a particular labor rate, as you can blacklist all labor rates besides what you want to use for the Customer.
- We now support adding and/or deleting photos from Products.
- We’ve fixed Estimates barcode scanning via our mobile apps.
- We added the ability to update product serials via API PUT. We also improved API support for products by adding in Vendor IDs and the ability to filter product serials by status among other things 🙂
- We’ve fixed the query filter for the Leads endpoint in the API.
- We fixed the Payments detail endpoint to include payment details when the Invoice was part of a multi-invoice payment. This used to show the Invoice as having no attached payment.
- Add Zapier support to Contacts endpoints.
- Find out more
- Purchase Orders
- You can now add shipping costs on PO’s to the cost of the products.
- When using the Quick Add feature on a Purchase Order, you can now specify that the brand new product should be serialized.
- Clicking a delivery tracking link in a purchase order will now take you directly to the link.
- Canned Responses
- Canned Responses: You can now efficiently organize responses by assigning them to a category, as well as search for them via our new search function or by filtering within the canned responses pop-up window. For more info, check out
this post
- Canned Responses: You can now efficiently organize responses by assigning them to a category, as well as search for them via our new search function or by filtering within the canned responses pop-up window. For more info, check out
- Contact Custom Fields
- We’ve revamped custom fields within Contacts in RepairShopr, so you have a much cleaner way to fine-tune the information you’d like to gather about Contacts and Customers. Learn more
- We’ve revamped custom fields within Contacts in RepairShopr, so you have a much cleaner way to fine-tune the information you’d like to gather about Contacts and Customers. Learn more
- Scribble Custom Field
- Scribble Custom Field: We’ve added a new custom field type to the Assets, Customers, and Tickets custom fields which allows you and/or your Customers to draw anything within the field, similar to the signature field. More info on this
- Scribble Custom Field: We’ve added a new custom field type to the Assets, Customers, and Tickets custom fields which allows you and/or your Customers to draw anything within the field, similar to the signature field. More info on this
More Good Stuff We Shipped Throughout the Year
- Zapier Integration: We made some major enhancements to our Zapier integration. You can now search and update Tickets! Find out more
here. - Tickets: You can now hover over the total in the Ticket Charges area to see the profit margins.
- Search all the Things:
- Optimized Search all the things for more reliable results, especially in the case of degraded performance. Example: Improved Customer/Lead search by first/last name.
- Made searches more efficient. If you combine more than 4 terms, search will match a single attribute instead of several.
- Customer searches will now show you a warning message if we have a problem getting your results, and allow you to try the CSV export anyway.
- Payment sync searching has been updated. Now the search results will reflect the sync status of the payment applications. If a payment has applications that failed to sync and applications that synced properly, the payment will show up whether you search for synced or not synced.
- Ticket Sort: We updated the Ticket sort-by-customer to an alphabetical sort-by-customer display name – no more seemingly random Customer sort!
- Big Chain User Update: Now Big Chain plan users can see serial numbers on the packing slip for Inventory transfers.
- International Users: For users outside the US, we’ve updated the column header on the Daily Invoices Report to show that cost is assumed to be tax-inclusive.
- Customer Detail Report: We added a PDF button to the Customer Detail Report.
- Reports: Moved “Import Results” link to top of Customers sub-section.
- Localized Time: Localized time formats on the Calendar page and other Date Time pickers.
- Calendar: Your Calendar view preferences will now automatically save upon exiting from RepairShopr or moving away from the Calendar page! Review our Feature Friday article
here for more information. - AutoPrintr: We’ve made more improvements, and will continue to keep working on the reliability and stability of this feature. Download the latest version
here to test it out! - Tickets: We’ve moved the Ticket Info section of the Ticket Details page to make all reference information appear in one area.
- Product Serials: We’ve made it easier to take a product serial number from one product and place it onto another product. Just head to your full list of Product Instances and click the ‘Move’ button.
- Customer Import: To make Customer Imports more powerful and flexible, ‘Business Name’ can now be used as one of the two required fields for a Customer import.
- Search all the Things: We’ve been continuing efforts to optimize Search all the Things for more reliable results, and will continue to make this a priority. Here are some examples of what we’ve done recently:
- Estimate results will now show up again when you search for line items.
- You can search for Customer Purchases via IMEI.
- We improved text search on the Invoice page.
- We brought back Ticket Comment search, Invoice Line Item searches, Asset custom fields search and Ticket custom fields search.
- Custom Widgets: In the Customer Detail step of a Custom Widget Flow you can now choose whether to hide or show the mobile number field.
- Tickets: You can now adjust the quantities in Ticket Charges for non-maintain-stock items!
- Parts: You can now associate a Part with a different Ticket within the Parts module.
- NinjaRMM: We improved the ability to match Asset types in Ninja if a user renames an Asset type in RepairShopr.
- Reminders: We updated the style of Reminders and a few other widgets to be cleaner.
- Imports: Generate complete log files of import failures so that users know exactly what did not import & why.
- DOMO: We’ve made some improvements to our DOMO integration, increasing reliability and performance.
- Subscription: We changed the One Man Army plan name to “Starter.”
- POS: We’ve updated the user experience on the Open Register page so you can more easily view the previous day’s Z-Report, making it easier to understand your opening balance amount. More information on this
here. - Parts & Tickets: As Parts are ordered and received, a private internal Ticket Comment will now appear on the Ticket related to the part. Find out more
here. - Tickets: Tickets that are due soon or due now have a new look.
- Reminders: You now have the ability to edit Reminders, instead of having to delete and recreate them!
- Ticket Automations: We added “Estimate Approved” to the “Ticket Last Comment Subject” triggers in Ticket Automations, so automated actions can be performed when a Customer approves an Estimate linked to a Ticket.
- Security Setting: We created a new separate “Stock Takes – Access” security setting so that techs can do stock takes without needing to have the permission to edit Product quantities.
- Customer Purchases: We’ve added a changelog to the bottom of the Customer Purchases screen. If you have feedback on what fields you’d like to see here, please email us at help@repairshopr.com!
- GDPR: If your account is based in the EU, we added new functionality to help you become compliant with your Customers.
- GDPR: SMS communications are now included in the business emails consent. If a customer declines business emails, you will not be able to enable SMS for them. This does not retroactively update Customers to disable SMS, and SMS may still be disabled by you or by our system if a message is undeliverable.
- Ticket Worksheets: We’ve made several updates and improvements to Ticket Worksheets, per user feedback. Read on for a summary of these changes! For more detailed information, review our Feature Friday blog post here.
- When using RepairShopr’s New UI, you’ll notice that we reorganized the way that Ticket Worksheets appear in the Ticket Overview page: they now have their own section, rather than being in a tab.
- Worksheets in Portal: We’ve added the ability to show public Ticket Worksheets within the Customer Portal.
- Required Worksheets: You now have the ability to make Ticket Worksheets “required,” so your techs must complete them before you can resolve the Ticket.
- Printing Worksheets: Worksheets now have a nice print view.
- Search all the Things: We now show price again for Products!
- Payment Profiles: We’ve made the expiration date and the cc-last-4 editable in the Customer Detail page.
- File Upload: We now allow larger file uploads in most places, from 12MB to 20MB.
- Customize Ticket Receipts: You’re now able to customize your Ticket Receipts to include the information you deem appropriate for your Customers, as well as adjust the look and feel to best match your business. Find out more in our blog post
here. - Tickets: A warning prompt will now appear when attempting to create a new Invoice from a Ticket that already has an open, unpaid Invoice attached to it. You can disable this in the Admin > Ticket Preferences > Advanced section of your account. More info
here. - Contacts: We added title and phone extensions to Contacts.
- Tickets: We added a realtime notification if the Ticket you’re looking at has been updated.
- Estimates: Adding a manual line item is now a much nicer experience.
- Reports: We added location info to the Referral Report for Big Chain users.
- PDF templates: No more low resolution logos in PDF Templates! Find out more in our blog post
here. - Reports: We’ve added four new Reports to choose from when scheduling Reports: Daily Payments, Daily Invoices, Sales Tax, and Sales Detail. Learn more
here. - Importing Customers from CSV: If you have multiple Customers who share the same phone number, you can now import them successfully! To do this, add a new column called “skip_phone_matching” in the Customer Import CSV and then put TRUE for each of the Customers who share the same phone number.
- Tickets: Ticket subjects are back and much more legible.
- Tickets: “Quick Resolve” for Tickets under the actions dropdown menu allows you to quickly resolve a Ticket and return to the Ticket list!
- Tickets: You can now copy/paste files onto a Ticket to upload them as an attachment. Drag-and-dropping files works, too.
- User Interface: We added some fun new icons, and updated the main RepairShopr module icons.
- Contacts: We added “Job Title” to Contacts.
- Contacts: We adjusted the way you view Contacts within a Customer to be a better user experience.
- Stripe: Stripe’s new API is higher security for PCI compliance.
- Zapier: We added “Contact-Created” to the notification center.
- Template Tags: We’ve added some new Contact template tags! {{contact_name}}, {{contact_firstname}}, {{contact_lastname}}, {{contact_id}}.