Hey RepairShoprs – Happy Feature Friday!
It’s been forever (literally) since we’ve written about updates to RepairShopr’s API, so it’s time to seize our moment!
What is it?
As technologists the API (Application Programming Interface – the thing used to hook into RepairShopr with your custom software/apps) is a super important piece of our platform.
The API is not just for your custom development, we use our same public API for our mobile apps, for example (and even our Zapier integration)! That means when we make those things more robust, it’s also giving you more power for your custom ideas to build onto.
What is it for real?
It’s a JSON HTTP REST API. You can find the docs on it here: feedback.repairshopr.com/knowledgebase/articles/376312-repairshopr-http-rest-api
Beginners / Non-Developers (a note from Troy)
I’d love to write a big API-101 for you, but honestly when I was learning how to program it took quite a while to grasp this – I think there are better resources out there. I would HIGHLY recommend that tinkerers who want to play with this stuff check out our Zapier integration. It’s getting better and better every few months, and recently we added like 5 actions and triggers so you can really do a ton of cool stuff there.
For example, you can connect 1,000+ cloud apps and do things like: when a payment happens in RepairShopr, look for the word “PayPal” in the “payment_method” field and if it’s there, add it to a Google Spreadsheet and send the customer name/email/address into ShipStation. It’s powerful stuff.
Ok, knock yourself out
Developers (or hire a developer on upwork.com?)
We have added a ton of new query params and full on endpoints recently. Here’s an outline of just a few of them:
- Employee Time Clock – Someone went and made an NFC badge clock-in/clock-out system with this. You could just as easily hook it into an IoT button on the desk or your shop’s custom mobile app, for example.
- GET the last entry for a user_id
- POST an event for “clock-in” or “clock-out”
- These can also trigger webhooks (like just about everything)!!
- Products – “category_id” param – Many requested being able to poll a category of their Inventory for things like a custom shopping cart connector. Now you could have a specific category easily getting polled to stay in sync with some other system for example.
- GET products/?category_id=123
- Products – Add/Delete Photos – Now your shopping cart integration (or whatever) can do much more. A handful of folks told us they wanted to have two-way sync with WooCommerce and they hired developers to build plugins. Now, if your web person adds a product to your eCommerce store, you can build a connector that adds the same product to RepairShopr with photos.
- Inventory – Product Instances (“Serials”) – Now you can get detailed information about every serialized instance of your Inventory. You can add a serial number to an instance, or you can list all the existing serial numbers easily.
- PUT products/:123/product_serials/:321
- serial_number=123123
- GET products/:123/product_serials
- PUT products/:123/product_serials/:321
- Ticket Attachments – Easily attach files to a Ticket using the API. Useful to add Reports or logs, and really tons of other use cases.
- POST /tickets/:123/attach_file_url
- url
- POST /tickets/:123/attach_file_url
We try our best to make updates every couple of weeks adding endpoints, so please do write us if you need a quick filter or option added!
Note: Sometimes we can implement easily right away, and other times we queue up the requests for a while to do them all at once.
Whether you’re a full stack developer, plan to learn how to code soon (do it!), or plan to hire someone to build for you, we hope you enjoy this overview of our most recent API updates!
Stay tuned for more soon, RepairShoprs.
-The RepairShopr Team