We added the ability to create multiple Estimate and Ticket templates. Learn more here. We added the Reporting Period option “Last Quarter” to all Reports that use reporting periods. Bug Fix: We fixed an issue with the Template...
Hey RepairShoprs — Happy Friday! Later today we’re releasing an update to Ticket and Estimate templates within RepairShopr. Similar to our recent multiple Invoice templates release, you can now create multiple Ticket and Estimate templates! You can now...
Bug Fix: We fixed an issue with Recurring Invoices generating ‘Unhandled Exception’ notifications for schedules set to collect pending ticket charges but no pending ticket charges exist. Bug Fix: We fixed an issue with the Customer...
We added a PDF template tag for Ticket Statuses called {{ticket_status}}. Bug Fix: We fixed the API where /ticket_timers GET requests returned time entries in a different sort order after each execution — they now consistently sort by ‘created_at’...