RepairShopr Blog

Stay tuned for news and updates

Hi there,

We’ve been adding some major upgrades to existing RepairShopr modules over the last couple months and will be profiling these in the next couple weeks. One of these that we’re especially excited to announce is a major update to the RMA Tracking Center:

The major change here is that returns and RMA’s are now fully integrated into your inventory.

Did you receive a broken part on an order? Not a problem! You can now send that part back to the vendor and track the whole process in the new RMA Tracking Center. As you receive new information about the return from your vendor, you can easily update the status in RepairShopr so you know where the return is at all times. Once the part has been returned to you, you can complete the RMA and send the item back into your live inventory with a single click.

We’ve fully updated our article on the RMA Tracking Center here:

Thanks also to everyone in the Forum community who contributed ideas and suggestions to this! And we’ll keep improving this over time too.

The RepairShopr Team