We went above and beyond in the integration department to have some fun with this site.
Here is an outline of some of the integrations we built and how you get to put them to work for you.
1. PBX Caller ID Lookup Source
Supports: Trixbox/FreePBX/PIAF/more
We have an API you can configure for your PBX to use your CRM as a “Caller ID Lookup Source”.
You just configure the PBX to use a URL like this to do caller id lookup:
The result will be a text string that your phone will show as caller id. (literally, your physical phone in your office can show your customers names)
It doesn’t end there, we’ll put a note on the customer communication log, and if they have any tickets open, we’ll put a note on there that they called!
2. SMS Integration
Check a box in the “Customer -> Edit” screen to allow SMS, and your ticket updates will get sent to their cell phone as an SMS. It will offer them the option to approve the repair by replying with an ‘a’, and some other commands.
3. Physical Mail Integration – Send Letters
This was fun, you can visit “Admin -> Mail Invoices” to fire of physical invoices via the US Postal Service (USPS) First Class mail.
They will get a letter from you with the invoice enclosed.
Platinum accounts can have a setting to automatically fire letters at N Days Past Due.
4. Dropbox Integration
Have tickets automatically put in a Dropbox folder as a PDF. Sounds boring from there right? Wrong.
Visit http://wappwolf.com or http://ifttt.com to put the internet to work for you – here are some things you can do in just a couple clicks;
Have wappwolf watch the ticket folder for a file, have it print every file in the folder to Google Cloud Print printer of your choice, then delete the source file. Now your tickets can auto print to any printer you have.
File the PDF away in another folder and put a stamp on it
Just have the dropbox folder go to all your computers so you have ticket PDF’s handy
Other things wappwolf can do;
send to evernote
set facebook status
lots more!
5. Email Integration
This might sound like we are just using sendmail to drop a welcome email or two, but we are hooked up to the best transactional email service on the internet, Sendgrid.
Mail will ALWAYS be delivered, they have mastered delivery like no other
Automatic mail typo notification, if mail isn’t delivered – we put a note on the customers ticket instantly!
Inbound email – customers can reply to their ticket notification emails to update their tickets
6. Amazon Affiliate
Use amazon as a supplier? We can automatically put affiliate tags in your amazon parts links so someone gets commissions for all your amazon shopping. That could be a nice monthly rebate..
7. Destination Based Sales Tax
Not nearly as fun as the others, but.. if you need to charge sales tax based on the customer address instead of your static “local sales tax rate” – we got you covered. So far we have integrated with about a third of the states that have this legislation, if we don’t have yours don’t worry – we’ll hook it up once you become a paying subscriber.
This generally means we query the state via an API to determine sales tax for every invoice. Pretty cool..
8. Credit Card Payments – with USB Swipe
We are already integrated with Elevon – My Virtual Merchant, the US Bank processor. Not only are we ready to take credit card payments through them, if you buy their USB credit card readers, you can swipe cards right into your invoices to take payments. They mark the invoice as paid and verified if the payment goes through. This will be available to platinum accounts first.