RepairShopr would like to inform you that Xero is updating its security. This will require account-based Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to be enabled on all accounts using Xero integration in RepairShopr. This is a system-wide change at Xero that impacts all RepairShopr customers, existing, and moving forward.
If your company has Xero integration enabled, you must turn on Account Multi-Factor Authentication within RepairShopr before the deadline of July 17, 2022
Upcoming Changes:
- Xero will require MFA enabled on all Accounts (not just user accounts) on July 17, 2022
- Accounts with Xero integration enabled
- with MFA disabled – need to enable global MFA before the deadline
- with MFA disabled – after the July 17, 2022 deadline will have MFA Automatically enabled
- with MFA enabled – no action is required
- Accounts without Xero integration – no action is required
You can find documentation on how to set up MFA on our knowledge base.
We will continue to communicate this requirement and deadline through email and in-app notifications.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this update, please contact RepairShopr Technical Support.