Hey RepairShoprs – Happy Tuesday!
Today we’re sharing a brand new report we’ve added to the Reports module within RepairShopr called Ticket Communications.
This report allows you to see a breakdown of all Ticket Communications across all Tickets, organized by Customer. You can filter by items such as Ticket Comment, Customer, employee, time frame, comment subject, etc.
To view this report, head to the Reports module within your RepairShopr account and locate the Ticket Communications report under the “Ticket” section.
Here you will see the options for filtering your search and can even save these as your preferences for the future. You can do things like print a PDF of the report and schedule these reports to generate on a schedule of your choosing as well.
If you want to jump into the Ticket with the Ticket Communication(s) on it, you can click the “View Ticket” button on the page as well.
Watch our video here to see this report in action:
To learn more about Reporting within RepairShopr, check out our Knowledge Base article here. Enjoy 🙂
– The RepairShopr Team