Hey RepairShoprs – Happy Feature Friday!
Today we’ve got a special Feature Friday for you. We’re showing off two new features we released this week, plus a few other tweaks/improvements that have been requested. There’s also a sneak peek of an upcoming feature release so be sure to read until the end 🙂
Here’s What’s New
Password Vault Now Available
The Password Vault is a free integration that allows you to store credentials and other secrets in an ultra secure place. Learn more in our Knowledge Base article here.
Added Net Margin Value to Estimates
- Quickly see the Net Margin you’ll earn from an Estimate
- Never worry about your customers seeing this information when printing Estimates
- Net Margin value will only be visible to techs who have permission to view Line Item Costs
- Enable this by going to Admin > Estimate Preferences > Advanced
Here’s What’s Been Improved
“Search All The Things” Updates
We got some great feedback regarding RepairShopr’s “Search All The things” feature and have some updates ready:
- SKU’s are no longer case sensitive
- Partial serials for serialized inventory can now be searched (but you have to start from the beginning of the serial)
- Part numbers in UPC field with hyphens now work
Here’s What’s Coming Soon
One-Time-Use (OTU)
This soon-to-be-released feature will provide a way for you to mark certain Inventory Items as “one-time-use” items. These items will act just like your normal inventory items, except for what happens after they’re sold. Once sold, rather than just being marked as “Low” or “Out of Stock,” these items will be automatically disabled for you.
Simply enable OTU and never have to manually disable your one-time-use items again 🙂
More info on this soon!
We hope you enjoy 🙂 Let us know what you think!
– RepairShopr team