Hey RepairShoprs – Happy Feature Friday!
This week we’re highlighting a nifty feature that allows you to visualize your customer base via an overlay of their physical location on a Google Map.
Simply click the “Customer Map” link from the Customers section of the Reports tab in RepairShopr and pins will appear within the Google Map window showcasing your customer locations! You can even view customer information straight from the map by clicking on any of the pins.
Pro Tip: Make sure you have a valid street address attached to your customer’s profile in order for their pin to appear on the map.
This feature is valuable in not only gaining a general sense of where the majority of your customers are located, but also in identifying areas where you may want to target some new marketing campaigns or potentially open a new location.
Plus, it’s always nice to see how much your business is growing every now and again 🙂
We hope you enjoy this fun and useful feature – have a great weekend!
-The RepairShopr Team