Hey there!
We’ve been building a lot in the last few weeks. Here is a bit of what’s new from us recently:
- Receipts are now configurable! You can update this from Admin > PDF / Email Templates. This lets you toggle on and off various aspects of the receipt along with edit / translating all the text!
- Purchase Orders: Major revamps are coming. We have been making progress on pending orders, you can go to Settings -> Inventory -> Enable Backorder feature. Now when you sell an item that is out of stock, it will sit in the pending list linked on the inventory page.
From this page you will be able to quickly add items to a purchase order, or create a new purchase order.
Once the purchase order is received, you’ll be prompted to fulfill these pending orders from the new stock.
This is one of just a few missing pieces from our inventory system.
Here is a snippet of what we’ve added to purchase orders in the last couple weeks:
– Added a delete button to the detail screen
– Nightly reorder emails filter out items that are already pending
– Now a PO can have a user attached, and they are filterable (so you can assign them if you want)
– You can add attachments to them
– The filter/search was added and has a few ways to filter the PO list page
– The vendor SKU will now show on the PO detail page – instead of only in the email/pdf - New Ticket Dashboard! Thanks for all the feedback @ryan, @chuck, @matt, and everyone else we talked to.
The new dashboard automatically live updates, no need to refresh. It also has more relevant information on it – ticket information instead of customer information.
We will continue improving it, but it already enables quite a bit more power than the old one so it’s time to swap them out. Check out our quick feature explanation video on it if you want a couple ideas for new things you can do with it.
- Marketr features! New Clone button, new statistics page (beta)
The statistics page will show total processed, and a recent summary to help you see what has happened lately.
You can no longer edit a blast that has been sent, so use the clone feature if you are trying to send another similar. Have fun!
- Now you can require Referred By when you create a customer. Adjust this in Shop Settings > Customer Preferences.
- Now you can see customer_unapplied_credits in the list of available tags.
- Accidentally clear your reminders? Now you can fix that! Go to your reminders page and hit the ‘View All’ button to see (and if needed, re-activate) your old reminders.
- You can now require tickets to select a custom field type. Turn this setting on in Ticket Settings.
- You can see the tooltip when you hover on customer_credit and customer_unapplied_credits tags to help to select the correct tag.
- Bug Fix: RMM Alerts not showing up when they were previously marked as resolved
- Bug Fix: Returning a bundle now acts as a single thing being returned, and is displayed as such
- Bug Fix: Disabled users will not still be on notification rules
- We added notification rule for new appointments. Check your Notification Center settings!
- Purchase Orders can now be deleted from the detail page
- Nightly inventory email will no longer tell you about products already on a pending purchase order
- We updated how we associate Payment Methods in RepairShopr vs Quickbooks so that it will be easier to create a good configuration (where every RepairShopr Payment Method is mapped)
- Bug Fix: Certain cases where the register total was not getting updated should now work correctly.
- Bug Fix: Payments sent to Xero will now have the date the payment was applied instead of when it was created in Repairshopr
- Bug Fix: Quantity must be 1 for discounts. If you need multiple, add a second entry.
- Bug Fix: In the new ticket form you can now cancel the auto-complete
- Bug Fix: A case where low items are not added to the nightly reorder email is fixed.
- Bug Fix: Ifixit Orders will update the cost of the line item to reflect the price charged again
- We added a location column to the list of product serials
The RepairShopr Team