Hey there,
Here is what’s new recently from us:
- Categories V2! Now you can have nested categories, and a category filter on the inventory page – more coming! This is the first step towards a drill down on the POS page. 🙂
- Customizable Website Widgets! This was a major enhancement to the widgets, you can now build a custom flow with any of the available steps, in any order you want – and there are a lot more settings available to you.
- Customizable Navigation tabs – now in some of the settings pages you can turn on additional main nav links like Assets, Contracts, Customer Purchases, Purchase Orders, and Reports!
- Bulk Logistics Transfers for Big Chain accounts. Now you can move multiple items in a single batched transfer.
- We added a PDF template for the Purchase Order that you can customize
- Tons of new consistent images for all your device widgets (thanks iFixit!)
- API update: Allow api/tickets to find by ticket number, eg /api/v1/tickets.json?number=42 (Only exact matches)
- A handful of great tweaks and improvements in product sales, daily sales, stock out reports, performance, etc.
- We’re also doing some clean up and consolidation on our reports. A few reports will be deprecated so we’re giving everyone a heads up message on those report pages. You can write us if you have questions or concerns.
- Now a product warranty will be added to an invoice when it is created from an estimate.
- We fixed mobile field jobs time zone issues.
- We added the Prepay Hours balance to show in the Customer Portal for your portal users.
- We linked the settings for Deposits and Prepay Hours on the Inventory settings page (where Categories are managed).