Hey there,
We’ve had lots of new integrations and feature additions in the last month. Here are some of the highlights!
- We have upgraded our template editor! This is a major improvement to one a big customer-facing piece of your business. We completely updated the template layouts and added a powerful WYSIWYG editor to give you more customization opportunities.
- Added a beta MailChimp integration to keep your MailChimp list up to date with your customer database
- Adding Gillware portal access to the App Center. RepairShopr users get 20% commission on successful cases referred to Gillware.
- Approve invoiced estimates button in Estimates settings
- When creating an invoice from an estimate, the tech assigned to each line item will be copied over to the line items in the new invoice.
- Starting a dashboard where you will be able to see issues with integrations and errors that we had not been surfacing (Account Issues)
- Added more stats to the customer detail page
- Added Recurring Invoices button to Invoices page and added permissions for Techs to add, edit and delete Recurring Invoices.
We’ve also done a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes — here are some of the high points:
- Field job tech permission so they can only see their own appointments either by creating, being an attendee, or they were the ticket tech that’s associated with the appointment
- Bugfix: Sorting fixed on scheduled tickets page
- Updated Invoices Quick Filter (colored widget) to use balance_due instead of total
- Tracking links in the Items page now open in a new tab
- When exporting Products, the QuickBooks Item ID will export like we export the Xero Product ID
- Invoice reminders will now only send for invoices that have a total greater than 0
- Fix issue with duplicating invoices with bundles. Bundles now copy line items.
- Foreign characters now show in lead emails
- Estimates won’t copy the last emailed date when cloning
- Bundle can be added to the invoice by UPC now
- When you import products from CSV file, maintain_stock will be set to ‘true’ if quantity is present
- Changed Line Items Dump report: added serial_numbers for serialized items.
- Can now export the filtered inventory search results via CSV
- The Daily Invoice report now orders each date by Invoice number
- Fixed bug and can now filter the Tickets Created Report by Locations for Big Chain accounts
- Added Update type to ticket comment types
- We added a new security group for Techs can delete their own Ticket Comments
- Marking a lead as won will move the lead to the completed view
- We added permissions to delete Leads for techs
- We added navigational buttons to the top of the appointments page to make browsing appointments easier
- We added a permission for manually adding line items for Invoices and Estimates
- Fixed bug in settings pages that prevented editing in mobile
- Reports now show dates localized to your current country
- We added the Uruguay locale
- Italy locale now fully supported
As always, really appreciate your support and feedback!
The RepairShopr Team