Hey all!!
It’s been a while since we updated the blog, we have spent most of the last 60 days doing less glamorous work.
- Fixing label bugs
- Fixing formatting issues
- Catching more types of errors and displaying pretty errors
- Adding back-end tools for us, reporting, analytics, etc (have to do it some time)
We have taken about 30% of our time for new features, here is a short list of whats new;
- QuickBooks Online Integration (still beta, should be approved any day now)
- Purchase Order system – track PO’s, automatically add line items, auto replenish, all the goodies
- Version history for invoices at bottom of invoice detail page – admin only
- Added payment record to invoice detail screen
- New Reports, Inventory stockout/valuation
- Fixed daily sales report – now a table
- Added lunch support to the timeclock
- Ability to change ‘next invoice number’ in settings
- Added some shortcut keys, like ‘s’ for search – descriptions coming soon
- Add trial support, so you can sign up for a paid package and get all the features for a month
- Enabled Cloud Print – no longer in beta
- Disable/Re-Enable of customers for admins
What we hope to accomplish in the next few weeks;
- QuickBooks online out of beta
- Finalize PO system
- A list of small interface tweaks, and minor modifications
- Making you all very very happy!!
have fun everyone..