Hey! What an exciting few weeks..
We have been super happy to have a handful of companies signing up to support us with a monthly subscription – thank you all!!
I’ll cut to the chase, here is the list of items we’ve launched lately.
- New Invoice Template
- Recurring Invoices!
- Email spelling catch
- Mobile view fixes – mobile theme not needed!
- Performance optimizations to ticket view (faster page loads)
- Added the option to enable tickets to sort by “Due Date” instead of id
- Change to notifications for customer reply emails
- Nightly Dropbox Backups!!
- Fixed the logo uploader
- Added barcodes to tickets/invoices, hooked up barcode scanner to search
- Created price tags for inventory items, with scannable barcodes
- Created customer name tag stickers with scannable barcodes
- Full SMS messages, inbound – FULL reply shows up in ticket
- Allow you to opt-out your customer from all email
- Add Paypal payment buttons to invoice emails
- Fixed nightly tech reminder emails
- Profit and Loss report added with NET/Gross revenue
- Added a messaging system for us to communicate, more to come
- Fix template editor – allows easy html edits now
- Improved ‘customer’ login to ‘my profile’ to make it simpler
What a busy month – thanks everyone for the great suggestions, feel free to contact us any time for explanations on how to use any of these great and simple new features.