Issues Resolved:
- Resolved an issue that caused the “Expiring Stored Credit Card” email not to send as expected
- Resolved an issue where an error occurred when trying to send approved Estimate charges to a ticket
- Resolved an issue where recurring invoices would continue to run after being deleted
- Resolved an issue where quarterly recurring invoices were displaying an incorrect estimated price on a contract details page
- Resolved an issue where the Overdue Invoice button would occasionally not function properly
- Resolved an issue where Pending Items “Add Item to Invoice” would sometimes incur a delay before processing
- Resolved an issue where clicking “Add Items to Invoice” multiple times would add multiple instances to an Invoice
- Resolved an issue where Invoices over 30 days old were not showing on the invoices page
- Resolved an issue with multi-page Invoices that caused Line Items to reorder unexpectedly
- Resolved an issue where a “504 Timeout” error would occur when attempting to add ticket charges by ticket start time to an invoice
Part Order:
- Resolved an issue where certain conditions caused a “504 Timeout” error when attempting to create a Part Order
- Resolved an issue with creating a new Part Order from an existing ticket that would not show the ticket number as expected
- Resolved an issue where the “Ticket Type” dropdown would not show the correct values in certain instances
- Resolved an issue that caused an error when adding a new asset to a ticket that included a long and short name
- Resolved an issue where Ticket Labels that included Custom Fields would incorrectly display HTML code
- Resolved an issue that caused multiple Appointment Emails to be sent after the Appointment was completed
- Resolved an issue that caused Recurring Tickets not to run as scheduled
- Resolved an issue that caused the “Appointment was created” email not to send if “Automatically Add Ticket Charge” was enabled
- Resolved an issue that caused failed Scheduled Reports to not show up in the “To Do” notification window.