Today we’re excited to announce a brand-new partnership: RepairShopr is now integrated with NinjaRMM!
Ninja is a leading RMM for MSPs, and the new integration lets you connect your RepairShopr PSA to this powerful RMM. This means you’ll save time by reducing double data entry in the systems you already use.
What the integration does:
- Map Ninja “Customers” to RepairShopr “Customers”
- Map Ninja “Devices” to RepairShopr “Assets”
- Feeds alerts/checks into RepairShopr for one-click Ticket creation or clearing
- Automatically creates Assets when you add Devices
- Continually updates assets with machine names, serial numbers, etc
To learn more about the integration and see a step-by-step setup guide, click here:
Keep a lookout for upcoming RepairShopr + Ninja overview webinars, also.
We’re looking forward to hearing what you think!
– The RepairShopr Team