Safer, easier payments with Worldpay and RepairShopr

Safe, easy and affordable payment processing​

Are you looking for an integrated payment solution? Consider Worldpay.

Accept online, in-store and mobile payments with best-in-class security and compliance,
that syncs directly with RepairShopr to save time on accounting and reporting.


Integrated Payments for Small Businesses

We used our processing volume to negotiate a special payments package with the largest payment processor in the world. Worldpay has been a trusted payments leader for more than 40 years. Whether you are a one-person show or a full service repair shop with multiple locations, Worldpay can give you access to extremely competitive pricing without a contract, industry-leading technology so you can offer your customers a variety of payment options and a security bundle to help keep your business safe and secure.

  • Syncs with RepairShopr
  • Protect Your Business
  • Easier Compliance
  • Build Trust with Customers
  • Your Compliance Ally
  • More Money in Your Pocket


Apple Pay and so much more… 

Security and Compliance? Check and check. But did you know our Worldpay integration lets you do this?

Cutting Edge Payments

Process payments on-the-go with the RepairShopr iOS app, or accept Apple Pay and Android Pay with an EMV-supported terminal.

Put Revenue on Repeat

Put Recurring Payments on autopilot with RepairShopr and Worldpay, making it easier for you to get paid regularly.

Customer Support

Beyond having the most features for the best price, Worldpay’s team is friendly, knowledgeable and available to help you.


Useful Benefits

RepairShopr recommends you consider Worldpay as your integrated payment partner. Here’s why…

Syncs with RepairShopr

Data syncs to RepairShopr, streamlining accounting and reporting to save you time.

Protect Your Business

Peer-to-Peer Encryption (P2PE) and tokenization technology are designed to secure data to protect your business and customers alike.

Easier Compliance

Worldpay helps you stay compliant with PCI regulations so you can focus on your business instead of trying to become a security expert.

Build Trust with Customers

Protect customer data with the latest credit card processing technology, including EMV chip readers. 

Your Compliance Ally

PCI compliance is complex and constantly changing. Worldpay is your trusted partner to navigate this dynamic space.

More Money in Your Pocket 

With a competitive processing rate plus no monthly fees, minimums or contracts, Worldpay helps you take home more money from every sale.

14 Day Free Trial

Start your FREE Trial Now!